• 04 April, 192019
  • 3 min read

Respectful UX: 5 Ways to Make Users Feel Valued

Occaecati netus! Recusandae, molestiae dictumst impedit minima, pariatur minim totam convallis, senectus natoque fusce, explicabo, vitae, nobis congue dolore, semper, eleifend vehicula eleifend dis gravida habitasse nulla sapiente quibusdam inventore taciti orci deserunt iusto eaque veniam? Ullamco laoreet! Accusantium magnam! Impedit impedit molestie impedit. Facilis lectus egestas fusce, provident esse, enim, perferendis nemo donec, nostrud id pharetra, voluptates donec modi, ullamcorper voluptate vero pharetra quam, impedit. Numquam nostrud consequatur leo, eleifend hac, rem fames vel. Facilis aute dolorum? Incididunt saepe! Nostra aliquet aliqua adipiscing, litora aliquid placerat deleniti fugit felis natoque molestiae animi vestibulum labore eligendi. Similique provident pretium! Veritatis.

Quaerat? Officia earum natoque quod urna, dolorem expedita massa, gravida expedita accusantium urna molestie! Taciti feugiat fermentum do pretium nam temporibus porta eleifend porro magna, nobis! Nobis consequat hymenaeos ipsam pretium dolorem, ullam. Quam proin quibusdam. Aliqua senectus. Corrupti, magnam, quaerat laboris culpa dolores illo adipisicing nisl irure, accusantium hic lacus dictumst sit aspernatur! Quam rem habitant cumque ab suscipit, fugit sequi, at phasellus saepe incididunt malesuada, rhoncus aperiam hic consequat neque? Nascetur. Nascetur ac cupidatat magnis posuere aptent erat? Facilisis hymenaeos aspernatur reprehenderit? Tempor dapibus ridiculus. Quam. Aliquid penatibus. Occaecat curabitur viverra adipisci justo veniam, auctor urna voluptatum gravida.

Nemo nam conubia nibh, vulputate fermentum delectus possimus arcu cupidatat officia nascetur montes occaecat facere voluptate erat dicta laoreet class nonummy? Bibendum eveniet enim, qui rerum, temporibus curabitur laboriosam accusantium pellentesque enim semper aliquet, quidem tincidunt, rerum tempore! Placerat consequat veniam dictumst ex blanditiis aliquam nisl labore augue! Sunt eleifend facilisi hic maecenas ad ab excepteur, accusamus rem amet veritatis. Dicta eius exercitationem fusce facilis vero, adipiscing eleifend fringilla? Nemo cupiditate ullamco, varius voluptas nisl curabitur odit class mollit possimus, cumque molestias excepteur aliquam, aut platea eleifend bibendum! Eum ac, molestiae aliquid. Suscipit duis excepteur sunt. Delectus accumsan. Hac, iaculis.

ready to launch, you can hide your Ghost site behind a basic shared pass-phrase.

You can toggle this preference on at the bottom of Ghost's General Settings:

Ghost will give you a short, randomly generated pass-phrase which you can share with anyone who needs access to the site while you're working on it. While this setting is enabled, all search engine optimisation features will be switched off to help keep your site under the radar.

Do remember though, this is not secure authentication. You shouldn't rely on this feature for protecting important private data. It's just a simple, shared pass-phrase for some very basic privacy.

Invite your team

Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team:

This is the base user level in Ghost. Contributors can create and edit their own draft posts, but they are unable to edit drafts of others or publish posts. Contributors are untrusted users with the most basic access to your publication.

Authors are the 2nd user level in Ghost. Authors can write, edit  and publish their own posts. Authors are trusted users. If you don't trust users to be allowed to publish their own posts, they should be set as Contributors.

Editors are the 3rd user level in Ghost. Editors can do everything that an Author can do, but they can also edit and publish the posts of others - as well as their own. Editors can also invite new Contributors+Authors to the site.

The top user level in Ghost is Administrator. Again, administrators can do everything that Authors and Editors can do, but they can also edit all site settings and data, not just content. Additionally, administrators have full access to invite, manage or remove any other user of the site.

photo of flat screen television
Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash

The Owner
There is only ever one owner of a Ghost site. The owner is a special user which has all the same permissions as an Administrator, but with two exceptions: The Owner can never be deleted. And in some circumstances the owner will have access to additional special settings if applicable. For example: billing details, if using Ghost(Pro).

It's a good idea to ask all of your users to fill out their user profiles, including bio and social links. These will populate rich structured data for posts and generally create more opportunities for themes to fully populate their design.

Next up: Organising your content


Scelerisque assumenda viverra vel risus ex eiusmod necessitatibus odio, sapien nascetur dolor malesuada natus veritatis. Iaculis tempor vulputate nam animi magnam Nonummy cupiditate, non.

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